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Brave Meadows depends on volunteers to keep everything running smoothly.​ Our volunteers are neighbors in the community, college students, high school students, families of riders, and more! Everyone is welcome!
Currently we have over 25 volunteers working with us at any one time and we can't operate without them! We have been fortunate to become service projects for sororities and fraternities at Mercer University and GCSU.
Volunteers can help with things like catching horses, leading horses, sidewalking riders, assisting in therapy, feeding animals, grooming horses, building or rebuilding structures, cleaning and organizing, playing games with riders, and so much more! You will never be bored!
You do not have to have horse experience to volunteer with us. Your speciality can be put to good use!
We are so thankful for our volunteers!



Doil &

Tanya &

"I have been volunteering at Brave Meadows for more than 10 years. I was looking for a place I could be around horses again after taking time off for a while. I saw a Facebook posting about Brave Meadows needing volunteers and that was the beginning of my being a part of an incredibly special place.
I begin volunteering with the Special Needs riders helping them with whatever needed to be done. I loved watching the riders conquer challenges and fears and cheering them on while participating in their therapy. One of the highlights and special memories of this time was taking 3 riders to the Special Olympics for the first time. As our program grew, we were able to take more riders to the Olympics the following year.
Currently, I am the Riding Instructor. I teach the able-bodied riders both English and Western riding. We teach total horse care, not just riding. Students learn grooming, tacking, leading etc. I have riders stay after their lesson to groom the horses and some of the older ones even help with the special needs riders. There are opportunities to go to some local schooling shows which gives the students a goal to work towards.
I love volunteering at Brave Meadows. It is like one big family. Everyone really enjoys working together and making this a special place for everyone. It where you can go to get away from any problems you may have. I have had many people ask why I give up so many hours doing something I don’t get paid for. I tell them the reward of watching a rider, whether special needs or abled bodied, reach a goal or to get a huge hug from them makes it all worthwhile. "





Brave Meadows Therapeutic Riding Center holds a special place in my heart !! When I decided to go to Mercer, I wanted to find a therapy barn to volunteer with. One day, I decided to go out to Brave Meadows and that was it! I cannot wait to volunteer again.
Seeing how these children and adults light up when they’re in the saddle is so inspiring, and it’s all possible because of the help of so many volunteers. Being a therapy instructor has been such a blessing to me. I’ve enjoyed my time with Brave Meadows, and being able to help these riders grow! watch this video and consider donating to a wonderful place!

Jeff &

Bess &

My name is Alex Christian. I am graduating from Georgia College and State University in May of 2023. I completed my senior internship (480 hours) at Brave Meadows. I was looking for an internship at an occupational therapy clinic when I stumbled upon the term "hippotherapy". I began my search and found Brave Meadows. Throughout my time here I have had the opportunity to experience things I never imagined I would. The one word that I think best describes Brave Meadows is love. Love for animals, nature, hard work and giving back. Each and every person I have worked with at Brave Meadows embodies this passion. Being able to experience hippotherapy and meet all the riders is something that I will forever cherish. Seeing the connection between the riders and the horses is therapy for myself. This has been such a positive experience for me and I would recommend Brave Meadows to everyone, both volunteers and riders!

"My favorite part about working at Brave Meadows is being able to connect with the people, both volunteers and riders. It is the highlight of my week, no matter what work I am doing."
- Charlotte
"My favorite part of Brave Meadows is the community it creates. It provides a safe and fun environment for our riders and volunteers to come out to a place where they can be themselves! I am one of the volunteers that helps teach therapy on Saturdays. I absolutely love it and I look forward to it each week. Getting to see the smiles on our riders' faces when they are around horses is one of the best parts about the farm. Just being out there is therapy for me! I am so grateful that Brave meadows exists and that I get to be a part of it!

"My favorite part of participating at Brave Meadows is watching the riders grow as we get to work with them. Seeing the skills and the strength they gain after attending lessons at the farm is so rewarding. Brave Meadows has also personally taught me many important life skills I can apply to my future. I am so thankful that Brave Meadows can provide both me and the riders a place where we can succeed."